This donation makes NTUA the first higher education institution in Greece and abroad to have access to this technology. The gift from AHI CARRIER SEE, a joint venture of Carrier Corporation, uniquely positions the School of Mechanical Engineering at NTUA as the only one in Greece and internationally equipped with such technology. NTUA, being one of the leading universities in the country, has the appropriate educational and research environment to fully utilize this donation. The fully functional educational unit will allow our students to familiarize themselves with heat pump technology and see the operation of the new R-290 technology in practice. R-290, also known as propane, is a natural refrigerant with a low global warming potential (GWP), offering an environmentally friendly solution for heating and cooling systems.

A fully equipped Carrier heat pump educational unit uses R-290 as its refrigerant.
R-290 is a natural refrigerant with zero ozone depletion potential (ODP) and very low global warming potential (GWP). This makes it a more sustainable choice compared to traditional refrigerants like CFCs and HFCs.