The Laboratory of Applied Thermodynamics, Cooling Technology and Refrigerated Vehicles offers five undergraduate courses in the School of Mechanical Engineering, the School of Naval Architecture & Marine Engineering, and the School of Electrical & Computer Engineering:
Basic concepts and definitions. First Law of Thermodynamics. Ideal gas. Cyclical processes. Carnot cycle of ideal gas. Reversible and irreversible processes. Second Law of Thermodynamics. Carnot cycle of working fluid. Thermodynamic temperature scale. Entropy. T-S and H-S charts (Μοllier). Thermodynamic probability – Entropy of mixing. Entropy of irreversible processes. Maxwell and Τds relations, Two-phase Thermodynamics, Evaporation, Charts. Steam tables, Real gases, Thermodynamic analysis of reversible processes, Joule-Thomson effect, Equations of State (VDW equation), Heat capacities of real gases, thermodynamic cycles, one-dimensional flow.
Registered students per year: 300
Grading: Final exam 85%, Lab 15%, Mid-term exam 15%
Professors and Lecturers: Professor Ir. Koronaki, SLTS N. Komninos, SLTS G. Antonakos.

Ideal and non-ideal mixtures. Partial molar properties. Thermodynamic classification of mixtures. Dilute solutions. Mixture and solution activities and activity factors. Methods for determining the activity factors of dilute solutions. Free enthalpy equations. Mixing of two mixtures. Latent heat of mixtures. Isenthalpic throttling of mixtures. Equation of state of mutual actions of gas mixtures. Azeotropic mixtures. Normal solutions. Absorption of gases. Absorption towers. Separation methods of binary mixtures. Enhancement – exhaustion units. McCabe-Thiele and Ponchon methods. Batch-process columns. Fully and partially miscible liquid mixtures. Liquid / solid phase dimer mixture equilibrium. Psychrometrics.
Registered students per year: 150
Grading: Final exam 80%, Project 20%.
Lecturer: Prof. Ir. Koronaki, N. Komninos
Programming with Python and SMath software and utilization for energy applications and advanced technologies. Overview of absorption and double-effect systems, psychrometric chart, thermal comfort in buildings, refrigerators, solid & liquid desiccant systems, incident solar radiation on surfaces, f-Chart method, building energy analysis by KENAK.
Thermodynamics Software is the only course combining computational analysis and programming languages with the evaluation and simulation of novel energy systems (such as solar heating and cooling) and their applications in mechanical engineering. The lectures take place in the School of Mechanical Engineering PC Lab.
Registered students per year: 50
Grading: Project-Lab 100%.
Professors and Lecturers: Professor Ir. Koronaki, SLTS N. Komninos, SLTS G. Antonakos.

Energy and environmental impact of refrigerant leakage. Common leakage types. Leakage control and mitigation. Leakage testing and equipment. Single-stage and 2-stage absorption systems using LiBr, LiCl. In addition, the course particularly focuses on refrigerant management and leakage impact on energy consumption and increase in CO2 emissions.
Participation in ASHRAE International Student Design Competitions
Registered students per year: 150
Grading: Project-Lab 100%.
Professors and Lecturers: Professor Ir. Koronaki, SLTS G. Antonakos.

Constant convection in simple and composite solids. Transient phenomena. Graphical and numerical methods. Optimum insulation thickness. Convection. Similarity theory. Dimensionless Nusselt, Prandtl, Grashoff numbers. Forced convection in ducts, transverse on cylindrical and laminar on flat bodies. Free convection in flat and cylindrical bodies. Phase change (vaporization, condensation). Heat exchangers: types, operation, logarithmic mean temperature difference. Parallel flow, counter flow, and cross flow heat exchangers with mixed or unmixed flow patterns, NTU method, efficiency calculation. Radiation principles. Max Planck, Stefan-Boltzmann, Kirchhoff and Wien Laws.
Registered students per year: 150
Grading: Final exam 100%.
Professors and Lecturers: Professor Ir. Koronaki, SLTS G. Antonakos, SLTS N. Komninos.